Saturday, February 9, 2013

Mycelium, Neuro Net of the Earth


I'm a great mushroom enthusiast and an admirer of Eco Warriors like Paul Stamets. I felt it necessary to post the following videos explaining how incredible the force of mushrooms are on this planet Earth.

Please enjoy my favorite Ted Talk by Mr Stamets: 

I believe that this was the first time I ever saw Paul: 

This is a great short video on Morel patch making: 

Fungi were the first species of life on this planet to come on land from the Ocean of Evolution: 

If you enjoyed these videos, please subscribe or send me a comment. Also Paul has some amazing books that I totally recommend. The best book by him that I have read is "Mycelium Running."

By the way, there are legal magic mushrooms out there (in the states that is). Check out Gold of Sunshine for the Amanita Muscaria, a mushroom long steeped in tradition and history.


Hugh T Alchemy

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