Saturday, November 16, 2013

Salvia Divinorum Speaks, I Listen

For a brief moment last spring and winter, I was working for an excellent intention-ed start-up company called Takedo Panacea LLC as the prime formulator of a patented salvia chewing gum product. For several weeks in May 2013, I was surrounded by the various implements to generate a new recipe for the world in the realm of psycho-spiritual development. As a chemist and a magician in my personal life and a walker of shamanic paths and priesthood, I felt very empowered and very much in struggle with my employment.

I may have been hired because of my organizational skills and my dedication to EntheoRadio as an education tool but the work of creating a suitable capsule for the spirit of the Shepherdess was a truly shamanic challenge and vision quest all on its own. The first lesson was that she (Salvia Divinorum, Ska Maria, La Pastora, The Shepherdess) was really real and very much alive in every form of salvia from the chemical extracts to the leaves and the living plants. In the past, I've had my doubts, especially about Salvia (because of the weirdness factor) and with previous experiences I mainly oral dosed by chewing her foliage.

Whatever the task and the next encounter, I knew that my relationship with her had always be good. Honestly, I can say she's always shown me good visions and even when I smoked I had great trips including many images and sounds of Christmas time or things related to Santa Claus. Then and now, I'm still very perplexed when someone swears off of her because of a bad trip.

On the first week, I received a message while chewing gum with salvia in it and attempting not to swallow my spit (because salvinorum A is only orally active through the saliva glands in the mouth or via smoking) for about twenty minutes (effects only last one hour). The magical procedure and my personal ritual (which took place at home in my bedroom) was to wait until I was ready for bed at night after brushing my teeth and gums with a toothbrush, turn out the lights, and chew the gum in darkness with eyes shut, usually while siting up so my saliva didn't run down my throat.

Salvia, Sally, Ska Maria or someone with a feminine voice or rather "feminine way of communicating" telepathically shocked me with the message: "Westerners are rape me by smoking me." So many concepts flooded my awareness with that simply psychic message. I realized that she was having a relationship with me and that when I chewed her leaves or extractions that we were having a conscious sexual intercourse. Psychic vibrations rattled through my head and my body hairs stood up. I realized that even though she, Sally, didn't have a body, she was a real WOMAN. It was almost as embarrassing as being drunk, picking up a woman at a social gathering, taking her home, and waking up next to her confused about what happened and how we ended up in bed the next morning. (By the way, I've never been drunk on alcohol and rarely ever go to bars or drink fire-water for that matter.)

Raping plants, spirits or spiritual beings and the earth's consciousness? I asked myself if I truly believed in this before considering it in the way my salvia trip evoked. That night, I recorded a couple paragraphs in my notes and moved on to bed where I dreamed intense Lucid Dreams as Salvia Divinorum has been shown to produce. At this point, I wasn't sure Ska Maria would let us make a gum product of her for day trippers and recreational stress relief, but I knew that as a dreaming herb she showed vast promise. Would the world be ready for a dream enhancing gum?

To be continued in "Making Love to Ska Maria Pastora"


Hugh T Alkemi

Salvia tinctures are being produced in personalized batches in Arizona by this author and available at Happy Healthy High Horney Herbs in Tempe AZ or if you email to make personal arrangements. Find me online and ask about my alchemical and astrological methods of medicine production.


Check out our learning courses and all the free gifts and services available by visiting or enroll now for the course!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Mycelium, Neuro Net of the Earth


I'm a great mushroom enthusiast and an admirer of Eco Warriors like Paul Stamets. I felt it necessary to post the following videos explaining how incredible the force of mushrooms are on this planet Earth.

Please enjoy my favorite Ted Talk by Mr Stamets: 

I believe that this was the first time I ever saw Paul: 

This is a great short video on Morel patch making: 

Fungi were the first species of life on this planet to come on land from the Ocean of Evolution: 

If you enjoyed these videos, please subscribe or send me a comment. Also Paul has some amazing books that I totally recommend. The best book by him that I have read is "Mycelium Running."

By the way, there are legal magic mushrooms out there (in the states that is). Check out Gold of Sunshine for the Amanita Muscaria, a mushroom long steeped in tradition and history.


Hugh T Alchemy

Ska Maria Pastora Entheogen Ritual


Ska Maria Pastora, the Shepherdess or Salvia Divinorum is a sacred entheogenic plant of the peoples of Mexico in the mint family. It was used long ago, mostly likely, by the Maya, Zapotec, Aztec and Omec. Many modern Indigenous groups still use Salvia Divinorum through a process of chewing rolled leaves at night time for healing and divination. Modern descendants of the Maya and Zapotec as well as Mixtec and Oaxacan peoples still utilize this plant today. Most often we hear that they use it as a substitute for the Magic Mushrooms (Psilocybe Cubensis and Psilocybe species) during the seasons when the mushrooms are not fruiting. 

Salvia Divinorum is an easy plant to cultivate and can be very sustainable and rewarding to the Shamanic Herbal enthusiast. It is primarily probagated through cuttings but lately the plants that many of my friends keep are sprouting flowers and eventually seeds. These are sensitive plants and, I believe, need lots of loving care. If provided a safe and compassionate living space with the right conditions (humid, shaded and warm) your very own Ska Maria Pastora will offer you stronger medicine that you can find at most stores where these are sold. Usually they are sold at Smoke Shops or Smart Shops but check your local laws because sometimes the Shepherdess is restricted in your area. 

There are many ways to experience the visions of the mint and while smoking it might be popular and "what you have heard of," it's a very INTENSE experience and should only be done if you are experienced with the Plants of the Gods and other smoking herbs of the world. I've been meaning to assemble a few of the stories (aka Trip Reports) from my friends whom I've "sat" for. The smoking experience usually yields one of two things: something vastly profound and edging on incomprehensible OR nothing worth doing again (too weird or just doesn't work).

I find it very helpful to talk to the spirit of the plant (and of all things I eat for that matter) and ask that it guide me to the intention that I have set. Salvia and Mushrooms to the tribal peoples of Mexico were there to help them see. Think of this herb as being on par with something a witchdoctor in a hut would hand you if you visited and asked him what the meaning of your life was. 
Digression is one of those things that I enjoy doing in my writing and now is one of those times where "I digress." Today I am writing to invite you to Salvia ceremonies in your area. Classes and groups are run through a community of teachers within our organization, Sacred Spiral. Groups tend to be more in the US and around the Southwest but our group and reach is expanding more and more and hopefully if you have an interest in this medicine, the Great Spirit will bring her to your area.

In Arizona during the month of August 2012, we have a ceremony prepared that you can RSVP for on Facebook. Here are the details: 

Spiritual and Healing space will be held for a small group of journey-men and women with the Shepherdess of the Salvia Divinorum plant. Ska Maria Pastora ceremonies are done on an empty stomach in the dark with whole leaves of the sacred mint. She does not prefer that we smoke her, instead it is more appropriate to chew this sacred teacher. 

Seating is limited. Donations requested (~30 to 50) or Trade. Ceremony is about 90 min with about 40 minutes in the vision space. You will be sober at the end of the night. This is a legal and welcome entheogen within the Arizona state limits.

RSVP or call for the location. 619-663-4844

Hugh T Alchemy

Alchemy in Sin City



As an adult, I had never been to Las Vegas, Nevada before (commonly referred to as Sin City). Wow! Wah! What a city and what an experience! I've learned more about life, people and this City (perhaps even the nature of city dwellers), in this week in Las Vegas than I've learned over the course of 7 years. I'm actually still here. Any I've still got about the same money I started with, this means that I've won enough to eat and drink and be merry (because that costs a pretty penny here). 

So, I first brought up the idea of Lucky Astrology for Gambling about a year ago and this summer 2012, I actually started implementing it. In Phoenix AZ, and expanding out globally from there, I started training friends to use Lucky and Fortunate planets for winning speculative things like betting. Considering that there has been the most success in short periods of time thus far [under precise conditions and specific days] I see progress.

We've started simply with a facebook group on Human Design, Astrology, and Astroluck (as I'm calling it). In September we had a fortunate encounter with an inspiring and talented astrologer who uses the midpoint system or Biocosmology (or is it Cosmic Biology?). His name is David and just like the Message David in the Bible, he has brought good words and teachings to my community and I. So the system that I've recently picked up is called the Cards of Destiny. It's astrology and divination using the playing cards, the poker deck. A good site is Robert Lee Camp's page on the Cards of Destiny.

The cards, the planets and the Human Design all seem to help. The best lesson though, is to know when to quit and know your chart and what transit-times and where. While in Vegas, I was with my friends (4) for about one week. It's incredible what I've seen and the trends that I've watched.

If you are ever to get into gambling or speculative betting, PLEASE CONSIDER THE POSITIONS OF VENUS AND JUPITER both within your birth stars and at the times you are prepared to play. And always walk away with winnings, because there will always be another time to play (usually it's in about three hours). We as a group did our best to keep time for each other, but really I was the only one watching the clock. At times the energy got so wrapped up in Money and Vegas thrills that I had to set alarms before even leaving my hotel room.....
El Cortez Hotel/Casino on Freemont Street in Las Vegas is the King of Spade

Speaking of hotel rooms, if you come to Vegas, and you believe in Astrology or Sacred Geometry, you simply must get a suite in the Luxor Hotel and Casino. In the beginning of the trip we stayed at a place just across from Caesar's Palace and the vibes were mild to low to say the least. After doing numerology on the casinos within the area (spoiler alerts ahead), I discovered that I would only like to game at Treasure IslandParis, and mayhaps Bellagio. Then we discovered Freemont Street (downtown Vegas), and I personally favor the energy of El Cortez. Each time we went there, we made money walking out, and because it's lower scale (kinda divey) we had no problems walking away with our money to bigger and best things.

However, at least two of my friends had problems walking away with money just over the top of what they put in, and thus they paid to play (plus got free drinks and comps). Personally, my teachers tell me that I need to play to make money, not play for fun, and not for comps. Having fun and receiving a comp are nice but DISCIPLINE IS THE KEY, AND I AM THE KEY MASTER. (Honestly I am, it's in my Human Design chart, a "design of the Keeper of the Keys" plus I'm very Saturn influenced.)
So Vegas has advanced me in two ways (systematically speaking), I've learned to use Astrological Hours especially the planets Jupiter and Venus AND I've learned to use the Astro-Clock to chart hourly transits through the houses....mainly following Jupiter and Venus and looking for blocks.

One friend and I, are much more into Magick and Mystery teachings, thus we began to employ the Planetary squares, symbols and sigils for best luck...and it seems to work well. Personally I also use numerology on the slots but the symbols for Venus and Jupiter when ascribed on my hands, seemed to force a win!! I encourage you to believe (or at least want to enough) and try it out.

Here are some examples of the planetary magick (Chriss Angel would be proud!):

Venus Square
Jupiter's Magick Square
For readings, astrology, HD, speculative en devours and fortunate fate engineering, call me619-663-4844 or shoot an email


Hugh T Alchemy (Trevahr)

The Three Levels of Astrological Learning


I was first introduce to astrology when I was a teen. It seems both intriguing to me and simplistically mathematical. At the time, I was in every honors math class that my high school could offer. Eventually, in later years I realized that different systems of astrology made differences in prediction and personality, and some could be considered less accurate while others more. In my early 20's, I was introduced to both the Cards of Destiny system of midpoint astrology, Vedic Astrology (Jyotish), and Human Design.

My yoga instructor training which took place in Encinitas CA near the famous site of Paramahansa Yogananda's Temple and Gardens was located (and area locally called "Swami's") introduced me to Vedic Astrology. Due to the intensity of my classes, I learned about Jyotish for the first time from Ernst Willholm who would later prove to be influential as a teacher and truthsayer. In fact around age 25, I was again exposed to one of Ernst's students by way of my partner who simply loved to listen to the astrology lectures of Carol Allen, another Hollywood type Vedic Astrologer. Personally, I didn't care much for Carol's voice and was displeased to have to listen to that in my house, but when I found out who her teacher was, I had nothing but respect for the words she shared.

All the while, I learned about Human Design because to me it seems like the most practical system of astrology to learn from a stage 1 standpoint. Bare with me as I'll talk about the stages or levels in a minute. After receiving a few different Human Design readings, a Vedic Astro-Cartography reading at Amma's LA Darshan, and several reports on the Cards of Destiny for my personal year; I felt interested enough to purchase a collection of books on these subjects. I think it was about age 25 when my spouse, whom was learning from Carol Allen's Vedic Astrology lectures, told me that my "astrology lends itself to good astrologers." In other words, people with a certain combination of planets in specific houses are better at this art than others, which at first I discredited but now I've begun to believe.

So besides profiling my girlfriends, friends, family, and potential business partners, I began to study hard enough to feel comfortable giving readings to new people out loud. It was an experiment to determine how often people would reject the information that I shared. The odd results of the experiment proved either of two things: I was good at reading charts and peopleOR people would accept anything.

Honestly, I'm not sure if either one is truly false. I know I can do readings though, because several predictions have come true, and long shot concepts that I have shared have really moved people to believe in these systems. (I'm talking about Stage/Level 3 astrology)

Well the point of this article is to describe what I have defined and observed as the "Three Levels of Astrological Learning" or the Three Stages of Astrologers. My findings are based on observation and interaction thus far, so I'm potentially presenting an incomplete argument and may skip an unseen stage.

Levels of Astrological Learning:

Level 1: In this level of education, an adviser knows how to share information from memory of planetary influences, houses, gates, and energy centers. Usually the basics are explained, and for the most part an introduction to astrology or planetary chart reading in shared. People tend to find value in this sort of reading if they haven't experienced another reading of the same type in their current lifetime. A Stage 1 reader, would be able to tell you the overarching themes of your life and personality. Often main concepts and repeating ideas are shared. Usually this type of reading takes about 30min to an hour. There is more opportunity for the ego to reject this information so as a Stage 1 Reader, I've experienced disagreements. It helps to understand esoteric language and usual words like probably or possibly until the client agrees and you feel that you have the correct chart.

Level 2: Everything in life is Location Location Location! An old quote from Dracula, Dead and Loving it! But it's an important truth, because the second stage that many astrologers learn is about Transits e/g the temporary locations of planets and stars as the progress through the chart. Additionally, astrocartography can help us find the right places to live and find love, fortune, work and fame. I know that in yoga something similar is true, position is everything! Grand alignments of planets are what we are made of, at this stage a reader can often describe where the chart is stacked full of planets in a specific house or region. These all help us to indicate career and destiny.

Level 3: Prediction, Prophecy, and Foresight. Of course, astrology was originally created for the purpose of humans discovering how to track the future or manipulate their lives. Our oldest ancestors developed astrology specific to ritual and to create war or holy-days within the Kingdoms and forming civilizations. I personally feel that this aspect should be the goal of all practicing astrologers but here in the Western world most of them get away with a lifetime of Stage 1 readings and often never progress to Prediction beyond ego-description (which i call psychological astrology, or mind mapping). To break free from this mundane experience and move cleanly through space, time, and the heavens, a student of astrology and human destiny must forge an alliance with the vision of Heaven and the Highest Will. As an advanced astrologer, we find ourselves in all patterns, and the Universe ceases to be chaos but rather like unto a clockwork being.

Hope that you enjoyed my observations and opinions on this vast subject.


Trevahr (Hugh T Alchemy)

What is Human Design?

Have you ever talking with someone who understood the concept that we are all Star Dusk? I mean from a physics perspective! We are neutrinos. This system which is like astrology, maps just that in something called a Rave Chart.

Of everything that I have studied, Human Design is the MOST helpful when it comes to human interaction and fate vs choice.

My classes and for our next discussion we will approach the universe as mechanistic archetypes and illusory energy fields that we think of as solid "real" stuff. We will have the opportunity to discuss how energy plays a major role in our hidden talents, unconscious decisions, and the volatile situations occurring with other humans. As a Human Design Analyst, it is my approach to see the body as a vehical for the soul. Additionally, just like every car off of the assembly line at Ford's factory, our bodies too are imprinted with a number, our birthdays.

This number along with the time and place of the occurance of birth or incarnation, reveal to the gifted Engineer of Fate, where you are going, when and how you will arrive there. We are Navigators of Destiny in this world, in our vessels, and with this knowledge. Like the Priests of ancient Maya or the Brahman of India, we can count the stars to our final destination.

Contact me for an email with your chart and a few free comments OR visit Jovian Archive for the creator of the system.

Our next tea time lesson on this subject will take place Feb 17th 2013 in Phoenix AZ. Check to RSVP and see the address.

Follow your Bliss,

Trevahr Ryan Hughes

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The purpose of this blog

Hi friends,

I've blogged at this address for years and now most of the content has moved to so you can navigate my old and super expansive articles there.

This web address will be reserved for a copy and edited version of the BEST of the Best of the articles from my blog (originally).


Trevahr (Trevor Ryan Hughes)
aka Hugh T Alchemy

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Salvia Meditations

Dear Friends and Alchemists,

I am writing out of excitment and satisfaction. Last week we completed class number three and the experiencial portion of the Salvia Divinorum Ethnobotany series. In a well intended, meditative setting with wonderful friends we experimented with altered states of consciousness induced by Salvia Divinorum leaves...

...and we were totally SUCCESSFUL with amazing and fun journeys and deep meditations.

So in honor of Spiritual Growth and with reverence to the Spirit of the Sage we are planning to add regular experiential groups for people like you to experience this God Given Sacrament (while it's still legal).

Everything comes with intentions for the highest good and the most learning so we will offer a lecture on the herbs and the traditional context (shamanism) of the herbal practices and we encourage you to do your own homework and research.

Check out the British documentary series: "Sacred Weeds" for more info on Salvia Divinorum and other herbs of the sacred sort.

Please read sites like before experimenting with your own consciousness. And always be prepared for "safe journeys." We in no way recommend this or other herbs for any specific individual and we invite you to make responsible decisions with your body, mind, and soul.

For events check out


Trevahr 619-663-4844